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The Spiral Well

casting our energy with intention
shining our light on the earth
transforming our culture!

Cultural Creatives
New Stories

In the midst of the insanity wreaked by the Bush Administration, and the
escalating devastation to our earth home, I find myself hopeful -- even
exhilarated.  We stand at the threshhold of a new world, one that
is transforming right now -- invisibly, it seems, if you're only tapped into mainstream
media.    In the midst of my moments of despair and frustration -- when I've felt
completely ineffective, an isolated unheard voice -- I've picked up a magazine or stumbled
onto a website, or received email forwarded by a friend distressed or impassioned about
yet another atrocity or  event inflicted by our government, by humans upon other humans,
by humans on others of our life community.  I realize then that I am not alone in my
intense emotions, in my desire to do something.   Many, many of us in America feel
the same way.  At that moment I realize the potential of it all.  We are on the verge of
a huge shift in our culture.  We are recreating our culture right now!

It is time to stop seeing ourselves as ineffective and anonymous against
a relentless backdrop of global corporate politics and greed.   Each of us is
unique spirit on the planet.  Each of us can recreate a piece of the world.
How?  By living with integrity ("walk your talk"), by realizing that each dollar
you spend is a bit of your life energy -- consider where that bit of hard-earned
energy is going.  Is that the kind of world you want to support?  Will my dollars in
that direction create the kind of world we wish for our children
and grandchildren-- a beautiful, sustainable, peaceful and just earth, or one
ravaged by instant gratification, short-sightedness, and greed?

Spend some time imagining your ideal earth.  Then realize that many of us
share the same or similar vision (check out the links on this page if you don't believe
me).    I encourage you to print out a copy of The Earth Charter and use it as
a guide and inspiration for many of the choices you make today.  Check out
online organizations such as MoveOn.Org that make it easy for you
to send email to your Senator or Representative about issues of concern
to you.  Don't underestimate the potential of these online campaigns.
Just ten days into their "No War On Iraq" campaign, more than
160,000 people around the country signed MoveOn's online petition, which was
delivered  by thousands to meetings in Senate offices in every state.

The SpiralWell on this website is my imagining of our creative
energy of compassion and courage.    We are a collective, each of us with our
own visions.  With each action in support of our ideals we toss a star or a leaf into our
collective wellspring.  The spiral grows with each voicing of our dreams, and when
we start bringing our dreams for the future together -- wow!  You can contribute
a few dollars to my site if you wish, but even more I hope that you will
be inspired to sketch your own vision of an ideal culture, an ideal planet, and
then to make a small gesture in support of this vision.  This gesture
can be anything -- from resolving to line-dry your laundry, to
preparing a meal of all-local ingredients, to having a conversation with
a neighbor you don't yet know.  Any small action you make is your vision
coming true.  Make it happen!  The result of all our intention
and energy is sure to surprise and amaze us.

It will change the world.  It's doing so now!

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