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About Island
Meet the Author: An interview with Jane  by Kota Press

Earth - Cycles & Community
journal excerpts, photo essays, some of my music writings

Notes From An Island
A Music Garden
May Day 2002 - Entering The Green
An Island Beltane
A Small Harp's Beltane

Water - Reflections
flights-of-fancy and other creative nonfiction

Breath of Heaven
Harvesting Stones

Fire - Changes
links, books, and other inspirations for moving towards creating a  ecologically sustainable & just way of life, plus my own humble attempts at change

An Earthling's Almanac

Air - Song
Poem-lyrics, words only

Call From The River
Moon Carol

Spirit - To The Seventh Generation
stories for children and the child in all of us (forthcoming), voices for our future

The SpiralWell

turn page