New Acorn To Oak – And May Day Celebration

The latest issue of our ezine, Acorn To Oak, is now posted!

I’m delighted to include a radio show clip, in which I tell a story and play harp. I’m also particularly proud and pleased with a video I produced of my kids herbal comic, Paloma And Wings.

Please check out the fanciful fun at:

Acorn To Oak - May 2014  Into The Forest Wood - cover art by Jane Valencia (c) 2014Acorn To Oak – May 2014


Oh, and psst! Shell and Govan from Because Of The Red Fox are celebrating their birthday today! I hear that the Hundred Acre Farm Community had a May Day celebration particularly in their honor, and that Bert cooked up a fine array of cakes and pies for the occasion. GK and the hounds served up heaping platters of meat. The hens wove some lovely May crowns using beak and claws, and the bard foxes served up some mayhem on the side.

Hope your May Day was great fun!