Branch 2 ~ Leaf 6 ~ It’s Up!

Tam The Teapot: Tam and Leaves here, at your service.

Leaves: You might call us ‘tea-leaves’!

Tam The Teapot (offended):  You might not!  Oh, now I’m befuddled ….

Leaves: I’ll take over.  I’m here to read your future.  The new leaf is up.  It’s cooky–

Tam The Teapot: And rather long!

Leaves: — like my glorious tale.  Enjoy!

[Go to Leaf 6: Shell And The Green Knight ]

Tam: puff, puff!

Leaves: Before you go, here — have some fun looking at my inner self!

Tam:  Leaves — puff, puff! — you are truly absurd!-


Red Fox Skeleton


Annie:  What do you mean, ‘Patience’, Shell?  What does Patience have to do with the latest Leaf?  Here’s a cute photo of him, by the way.

Young Patience - photo by Annie

Shell: But, Annie, that’s a pretty old photo of Patience! He’s a handsome full-grown rooster now–except that of course he’s very small, being a bantam.

Annie: I lost my camera for a few months.  This pic is from November, I think.  Anyway, I thought you were calling for him.

Shell: No, Annie.  I was just letting our readers know to, um, have patience.  Jane’s still revising the new Leaf.  But she hopes to have it posted early next week.

Santa (sagely):  Writer’s block.

Shell: Well, not really.  She’s already written the Leaf.  So it can’t be writer’s block.

Santa: Phobia of revision?

Shell: But she’s revising it–she’s not afraid of the Leaf, at least I don’t think so.  Though … in a way … the Leaf is kind of scary.

Santa: No, it isn’t.

Shell: Yes, it is.

Santa: No, it–

Shell (interrupting): Anyway, check back on Leap Day!  Yeah, for sure it will be posted by then!

Annie: Why?

Shell:  Because — Leap Day!  Get it, get it?  Leaf Day!

Santa: No, Shell.  I really don’t.