Tree Secrets: A Pacific NW Tree Ogham

Thank you for joining me at the Pacific Women’s Herbal Conference 2019! I’m fascinated by Celtic historical and folklore — because of my own Irish heritage (about a sixteenth-note of myself if I consider my genetic heritage in musical 4/4 time), but, even more, because Celtic myth converses deeply with my imaginative and spiritual heart.  I’m specifically captivated by the Tree Ogham because of my own fierce and grateful love of the trees — as  teachers, wisdom-keepers, companions, family, and blessing. I gather that some aspect of what I’ve just written  is true for you too!

Here are some references to support you on your journey in connecting with the healing magic of our local trees, with the Celtic tree ogham as our guide.

A Pacific Northwest Ogham by John Michael Greer – a terrific resource for grounding our journey in PNW trees

The Secret Teachings of Plants bt Stephen Harrod Buhner – the book for really exploring how to connect with the plants via heart coherence, and how this all works.

Celtic Tree Oracle Kit-  A System of Divination by Colin Murray, Liz Murray, Vanessa Card

Tree Ogham by Glennie Kindred – I love this little handwritten and illustrated book!

“Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language, and later the Old Irish language. There are roughly 400 surviving orthodox inscriptions on stone monuments throughout Ireland and western Britain; the bulk of which are in southern Munster. The largest number outside Ireland are in Pembrokeshire, Wales.” – Wikipedia

Do check out this Wikipedia article on the Bríatharogaim, which lists the “kennings” associated with the ogham letters, as well as how the letters have been mapped to trees.

Ogham from the Society of Irish Foresters website – an easy-to-digest summary of what the above Wikipedia articles contain.  This site also some other historical and folkloric info about trees/

Ogham Symbol Gallery – This is a useful post for creating your own Ogham sticks, with natural and folklore about the trees.

Ogham – focused on use of the symbols as an alphabet. Includes a chart of the symbols and associations.

Write your name in Ogham with this transliterator!