Ready, Set–Art!

It’s so much fun to prepare for my art show, opening on Friday. Here’s a piece I’ll have finished by then:

Starlit Dream - art by Jane Valencia
A work in progress – art by Jane Valencia

I have a lot of ideas I’m very excited about for 2015–including the debut of a comic on this blog! Stay tuned!

Wishing you many blessings, many inspirations, and much real magic ~

Ready To Write? Now’s The Time!

National Novel Writing Month is just around the corner — in fact, it starts tomorrow! Each year for the past three, my family has participated. This year is no different! My younger daughter, husband, and I are all going to be working on novels.

How about you?

If you’re a kid, sign up with the NaNoWriMo’s Young Writer’s Program. There you get to set your own word count and have the fun of seeing a graph of your progress. Plus, if/when you complete your novel during the month, you receive a few lovely perks. In the past, has offered five free copies of one’s book if you are NaNoWriMo winner in the Young Writer’s Program. Whoo hoo!

If you’re an adult
, sign up at NaNoWriMo. Your challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. You’ll find lots of support and tips when you sign up (whether in the Young Writer’s Program or in the grownup version). I have to confess that on years (like this one) when I know I can’t make 50,000 words (my hands are complaining these days of overuse) I sign up in the Young Writer’s Program … I guess I feel like my novel writing self is indeed mostly a young writer. But I’m sure that’s not the intention of YWP.

But whether you sign up with NaNoWri or the NaNoWriMo Young Writer’s Program, it is so worth participating. All over the world, thousands of writers of all ages will be scrawling or tapping keyboards furiously.

How about you?

I’d love to hear about what you”re writing (novel, poem, story — anything!). Feel free to share in the comment box below.

Catch the wave and write on!

treeleaf's picture


Book Preview & Birthday Celebration!

Red Fox - art by Jane Valencia (c) 2011
Red Fox – art by Jane Valencia (c) 2011

You are invited!

When: Saturday, July 27, 2013

Time: 7-9:30PM

Where: Plain Old Farm (contact us for location)

Cost: None! Just bring yourself, family, friends. We invite you to bring a snack, dessert, or drink to share. See the end of this post for what else you might bring.

If you plan to come, or might come, please RSVP.

About the Event:

Because Of The Red Fox is close to publication!  I’m also about to celebrate a significant birthday (hint: how many stars are on our US flag?). I have vowed to family and friends, and now to all of you, that my manuscript will be complete by this event. All that will  be left to do will be copy-edits and some book production miscellany. The story itself will be done. No more revisions!

So, if you happen to be on an enchanted island in Puget Sound, come join us! The first hour will be devoted to stepping into the world of the Red Fox. I’ll read some from the book and share some tales. We’ll have music and some magical nature fun. We’ll also enjoy yummy food and good company around a lovely fire in the beautiful outdoors amidst some amazing and friendly trees.

My mom, Joyce Kiefer, who is a published poet and writer and with whom I share a birthday (she is turning a significant age as well) will share a couple of poems. We’ll have other surprises, too, as this event is very much a celebration of the magic of life here on the island and of my communities, all of which are woven into my novel in some form or another.

It promises to be a special evening, one that will be even more inspiring if you join us!

Please also bring: a chair or blanket and anything else you might need to be comfortable outside. If you can, please bring your own plates, utensils, & cups. Do you play an instrument? Tell stories? Want to share a song? We’ll have time for stories, music games, and more from all of us.

I hope you can come!