Annie’s Own Interlude

It’s me, Annie! Hello! I’m glad you’re here, reading my post.

I’m absolutely super-duper excited. It’s finally happened! I have my very own interlude in the book! Please come over and read it. You’ll meet some of my new friends. I’d love them to meet you too!

Here’s the link to: Annie’s Interlude: A Snippet From Her Diary

Squeak! Hey, wait a minute … Jane’s showing you some of my diary? Uhhhh, did I say she could?

Shell (off-stage): Yes, Annie, you really did!


Okay, um, enjoy!

Annie, signing off.

PS. Make yourself a cup of tea — chamomile is really nice. So is peppermint. They’re even nicer together, with a little lavender sprinkled in. Bye!