Dear Readers,
I don’t know how it is in your community circles right now, but I’m guessing it’s a bit like in mine. Here in the late winter, kids and grown-ups are coming down with colds and fevers, and fevers keep coming back from some, and coughs lingering on, and on, and on.
It you haven’t been sick yet, you want to stay that way! If you’re still sick … you’re looking for a way to get well.
This week happens to be Fire Cider Awareness Week. Fire Cider is a traditional herbal remedy that has its roots back to generations, and which was named Fire Cider and given its glory and fame by beloved herbalist elder, Rosemary Gladstar.
Fire Cider is an immune-system boosting, warming, anti-bacterial, anti-viral remedy, that usually is made with apple cider vinegar, honey, onion, garlic, horseradish and a pinch of cayenne – for a sour, sweet, vinegary, yow-ee! recipe.
But, of course, being in the folk tradition, folks have created many yummy variations, some more on the mild side, or the romantic side, or with other vigorous expressions in the realm of the pungent.
So, I’m going to choose one of the fabulous recipes available, and on Sunday, Feb 2, I’m going to make Fire Cider.
Yes, Sunday, Feb. 2, is the Super Bowl — a big deal here on the island, as our local team, the Seattle Seahawks, is playing. If I was going to a Super Bowl party (which I’m not), I’d bring some Fire Cider and have everyone take a spoonful. But that’s just me :-).
And Sunday, Feb 2 is also when Imbolc, a Celtic cross-quarter festival is often celebrated. (Read my blog post about Imbolc here). With Imbolc honoring creative fire and healing, among other things — ah, I think Fire Cider-making is rather appropriate, in this regard!
My friend Kristine Brown at Herbal Roots Ezine has written a very informative post about why we’re all making Fire Cider right now, and why you might want to as well — besides for the just plain delicious, healing reason of making a powerful herbal remedy. It has to do with preserving our ability to create this remedy and even call it Fire Cider! Kristine writes about the situation and offers the foundational recipe here. After reading it, you may want to sign the petition too. Please do!
This post on the website, has some great links to variations on the Fire Cider recipe. I’m considering making Kiva Rose’s Gila Harvest Cider recipe.
Or perhaps I’ll get a “fire in my head” and come up with my own poetic herbal fire!
So, what do you say? Want to join me in some Fire Cider making? If you go for it, please come back and post about your inspired concoction!