Can You Read Any Of This????

Shell here, with some of Jane’s sketches.

Here is a possible new beginning to my story:

"Have you heard about the Reweaving of the World?"

And here is a plot highlight for the upcoming chapter, “Island At The Top Of The World”:

Leaf 8: "Island At The Top Of The World", pt 1
Leaf 7: "Island At The Top Of The World"

If I didn’t know my own story, I’d really wonder what this was all about!

I guess this is the creative process in action ….

‘Til next time!

Leaf 6 done … for now

This is Shell here, presenting the amazing fact that Jane has just posted the rest of Leaf 6. It’s all bundled up in that chapter, not presented as a separate installment.

When I was spying on Jane this morning I could see that she wasn’t totally happy with how that chapter is. And I know she’s been spending a bit of time with a pile of notes and some pen scrawls about this and that regarding plot and characters and stuff. I guess things will probably change around with the story before it’s totally done.

Isn’t that weird? As the main character of the story I think it’s really weird to think that Jane might change things about what I do or say and all that! It makes me wonder what reality is really like? Is someone editing our stories every once in awhile, making what we say sound more fun, or cool or wise? Are we doing that ourselves?

Okay, those are just some odd thoughts I have right now. What weird thoughts do you have about things?

This is Shell, signing off for this week!

From Shell: No New Leaf, but ….

Jane’s having a hard time with the current Leaf. (called Leaf 6: The Magic Of Mouse). She assures me that she’ll have it ready to roll next Friday.

In the meantime she invites you to read a little story about me and my friend Grayhorn SilverAntler. Dollmaker extraordinaire Lisa Mathias of Journey School made the Shell-doll. Lisa’s dolls are a lot like the dolls my mom makes! (well, actually, Jane says they are the dolls my mom makes, but that doesn’t make sense to me!).

Anyway here is what Grayhorn SilverAntler and I discover one Winter Solstice on the 100 Acre Farm … Enjoy a little winter in your summer!

Read: A Winter Solstice Fantasy