In Episode 3 we celebrate May Day and the Celtic Festival known as Beltane. A set of harp music takes us into the forest where we encounter the queen and king of the fairies. With poetry and music we uncover a secret of the May Queen and delve into the myth and mystery of the leafy Green Man. We finish with a lovely song that honors the beauty and power of a family tending to the land in tune with the seasons.
Revised play list:
(I took out some out-of-date PSAs, etc, and added Christina Tourin’s piece
12:03 Skyedance: The Iron Ring/ The Boxwood Reel
12:08 AnneRoos: Virgin Forest
12:15 Shelley Phillips: The Faerie Queene
12:16 Alan Stivell: The King of the Fairies
12:20 Christina Tourin: Annwvyn
12:24 Damh The Bard: Oak, Broom, and Meadowsweet
12:29 Molly Pinto Madigan: Wildwood Bride
12:37 Charles Stanley Causley: Green Man in the Garden
12:38 Ocean Orchestra: Green Man
12:42 Knodel & Valencia: Masque
12:48 Prose by Jane Valencia: What it Means to be a Green Woman, Green Man / Music by Paul Machlis: Greenwoods
12:56 Honey of the Heart: A Reaping
Original Play List:
12:03 Skyedance: The Iron Ring/ The Boxwood Reel
12:08 AnneRoos: Virgin Forest
12:15 Shelley Phillips: The Faerie Queene
12:16 Alan Stivell: The King of the Fairies
12:24 Damh The Bard: Oak, Broom, and Meadowsweet
12:29 Molly Pinto Madigan: Wildwood Bride
12:37 Poem by Charles Stanley Causley: Green Man in the Garden
12:38 Ocean Orchestra: Green Man
12:42 Knodel & Valencia: Masque
12:48 Prose by Jane Valencia: What it Means to be a Green Woman, Green Man / Music by Paul Machlis: Greenwoods
12:56 Honey of the Heart: A Reaping