For Peace: another Love Letter

Recently I was deeply distressed and disheartened as a prominent voice on our island attempted to incite division and harm against a subset of our community. Vashon, this is not who we are.

Simply Woven – illustration excerpt by Jane Valencia

And honestly, this is not who any of us is. Let us all take a collective breath. Let’s regroup and reground in both the beautiful nature of the locality we call home and the best of our natures.  Let’s take some time and recall what we have loved most about our communities.

The ideas and updates we exchange in check out lines. The amazing nourishing foods and lovingly prepared dishes we offer at our potlucks along with servings of tales, witness, advice, and dreams. The events we birth, the good work we do, our unique character as a community and as intersections and rings of them. Our original inspirations and intentions whenever we  gather to start something new. Our support of one another when we’re ill or grieving or lost.  Our grit, grace, and gratitude.

Let’s remember how we came to be here in the first place, and why we’ve stayed.

We’re here on planet earth to live a life of love, and to find our way back to that soul ground no matter what. We are neurologically wired and genetically sourced to live as both unique-in-the universe expressions and as an exquisite  tapestry of earth community weaves. We are here to come together in difficult times, and share out onto a wide and colorful blanket an amazing array of gifts: Insights and reflection from our spread of backgrounds, perspectives, skills, expertise, artistry, imagination, hard-earned wisdom, intellect, and above all, our compassion and commitment to one another as we are.

Ideas reclining on a rug of possibilities – stamp art by Jane Valencia

We are not meant to arrive at a one-size fits all solution to a problem and deliver it, but to ponder the constellation of considerations and concerns and to listen carefully to what each one knows is important to say. From mutual respect and all ideas on the table, we can arrive at a true understanding — grand yet familiar, with wanderings alongside, away, and between — of how we may best serve one another.

From here we generate a network of strategies that leave no one out in the cold, nor vilify anyone. Which neither seeks to bully and coerce one another to change their minds when they have already said ‘no,’ nor aims to destroy livelihood as part of some perverse notion of “it’s good for you.” Which will not tarnish tolerance and respect with “… but not in your case.” Which strives to walk our talk in all we do and with everyone we meet — even when we don’t like them!

When we inevitably stumble or discover our blind spots, we do the necessary work of finding our way back to our core, our Sacred,  our integrity, our Source.  We reach out with humility and apologize from our very roots and heart, and mean it. We  commit to doing what we can to make things right.  We renew ourselves to a devotion that is more generous and strong, far-reaching and intimate, potent and wild than we previously understood.

Solar Earth – stamp art by Jane Valencia

This is the way to true community health and resilience.  We are vastly diverse and powerfully creative.  We are synergies and individual notes of exquisite beauty. Make no mistake: whoever and however and wherever we are, we all care.

Islanders, my family, my friends,  this is who we are.

Kinfolk and Kind.  This.

We have always been hearth to one another.  And for us collectively it’s been a very long and hard day.

My dears,  the fire is warm and the food though simple is delicious.  There’s a song and story to soothe our minds and call the wee birds who had flown away in fright back to the nest that is our hearts. Let us know ourselves:  we are home.


“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”

P. S. Please enjoy my short harp video, “Peace.”

Salmon Returning Home – a Song for You to Sing

Salmon Leap – Illustration by Jane Valencia

As we’re swimming with the Salmon, thematically speaking here in Forest Halls, by way of blog posts and my radio show,  I thought I’d share with you one of my favorite Salmon songs.

Salmon Returning Home was composed by my dear friend Kristina Turner, and is a wonderful song to sing with kids, families, and in community.  Kristina has generously agreed to share her song here so that you can sing it too.

Here’s what Kristina writes about the birth of the song:

The song has a story – it arrived on Summer Solstice during 24 hour prayer-vigil drumming at Burton Hill on Vashon. It is a healing song, dedicated to salmon fisherman and friend, John Schindler.

Listen to the song here

And here are the lyrics!

Salmon Returning Home – Lyrics and Music by Kristina Turner

Swimmin’ upstream
With my belly in the river
I’m salmon returning home

repeat verse –  you can sing it call and response.

Makin’ my way
From the sea to me
I’m openin’ up to the powers that be
I’m swimmin’ upstream
With my belly in the river
I’m salmon returning home

Verse 2:
Wrigglin’ over rocks
With my belly in the water
I’m salmon returnin’ home

repeat verse


Verse 3
Swimmin’ upstream
To the place I began
I’m salmon returning home

repeat verse


finish by repeating the last line 2 more times
Salmon returning home
Salmon returning home

Song etiquette:

Please remember to credit Kristina when singing this song. Please do not record/distribute it for personal use or profit, or change it without contacting Kristina and discussing your idea and intention with her. You can reach her here.

And I invite you to take a moment to get to know Kristina! She is a wonderful creative, wise woman who knows how to play! Her questions and insights help me pause and wonder, and to dig into my internal landscape with curiosity and delight. Kristina knows how to follow the Salmon — of one’s passions, creative vision …  — and help others to follow them too. I’ve harvested many a hazel nut of illumination by way of her, and found my way to new streams of possibilities.

Thank you for sharing this song, Kristina!

Kristina Turner
Kristina Turner, composer of “Salmon Returning Home.” Visit her at

PS. Watch a performance of Salmon Returning Home in the video Heart of Vashon  – Telling Our Story. Find it at 1:19:50. (yes, that’s me leading the singing).

A Final Salmon Note: I hope you’ve had the chance to listen to the latest Forest Halls Celtic streaming radio show, Show 38 – Salmon Return, which is a river of music, musing, poetry, and a tale with this amazing creature. If not, I encourage you to listen sometime this week, as this episode will cease being available for listening as of Dec. 8.



Episode 38 – Radio Show – Salmon Return – November 24, 2019

In Celtic myth, Salmon are beings of shining wisdom, embodied generosity, resilience, vigorous will, and ocean-deep love. In today’s Forest Halls Celtic streaming radio episode – Show 38 – Salmon Return, we swim with the salmon, joining them on their journey to and from the sea by way of music, poetry, flights of fancy, and tale. With this episode I’m excited to begin sharing my stories (ones I tell, ones I write) with you, beginning with my retelling of a beloved traditional Irish myth: “Finn and the Salmon of Wisdom.”

The second hour is a re-airing of Show 17 – Treasures, which is a collection of musical gems, many of which happen to be Welsh.

Enjoy harp playing with Sue Richards and Kathleen Loughnane (in the group Dordan) in Show 38,  and  Janet Harbison, in Pigyn Clust, Cheryl Ann Fulton, and Robin Huw Bowen (in Crasdant) in Show 17.

Catch Forest Halls Celtic today at 12-2pm PST at Voice of Vashon, or on demand for the next weeks as well.  Click here to listen to all the current episodes of Forest Halls Celtic

Your host is bardic harper and storyteller Jane Valencia.

00:08 Spookytree / Lochaber No More
01:20 Sue Richards / Lament for Coire An Easa/Hazel Grove
05:26 Sharon Shannon / The Jewels of the Ocean
10:48 Seamus Byrne / Track 2 – Irish Nature Sounds
11:38  Lasairfhíona Ní Chonaola / Oilean Na Teiscinne
13:52 Kate in the Kettle / Salmon
22:00 Dordan / Three Reels: Weave The Bog Cotton / Barr Na Ceibhe/ The Leaping Salmon
25:51 Ensemble Galilei / The Salmon Tailing Up the River
29:28 Julie Fowlis / Tha Mo Ghaol Air Aird a’ Chuain
32:39 Tina Malia / Sound of the River
38:05 Jon Parmentier / Old Growth
41:05 Seamus Byrne / Track 1
43:05 Jane Valencia / Finn and the Salmon of Wisdom – tale
51:30 The Cast (Mairi Campbell & David Francis) / Eventide
55:52 Skyedance / Harris Dance

Photo art by Jane Valencia